Narrative of Frederick Johnson
”This is my attempt at remembering the events of March 5th, 1968, fire fight, at Song Be RVN. I remember being at the 1/506 firebase, when off in the distance I heard a battle erupting. I would guess it was approximately 1/8 to 1/4 mile from the firebase. Next thing I know, SSG Elliott came up, and said get the radio (I was his RTO) grab what you can, and let’s go. I grabbed the radio, my weapon, some bandoleers and grenades, then took off with the second platoon, as we jogged down the road toward the fire fight. As we approached the fighting, Joe Valdez was shot in the hand. At that time we began to split up. Our  squad went to the left and forward. We began getting fired on. There was an old barn type structure nearby, and we leap-frogged forward, while firing. We headed towards a guy from the 1/506 (I think it was the 1SG) who was pinned down in an open field. He said his company was pinned down and asked SSG Elliott if we were there to relieve them. SSG Elliott said no we're here to assist you. I don't remember seeing that SGT from the 1/506 again (or anyone else from the 1/506) until the fighting was over. There were NVA in spider holes up in front of us, and we were leap-frogging towards them while shooting, and lobbing grenades at them.

SGT Gary Burnett (who I distinctly remember) was approximately 5 to 7 ft. from my left. He started to rise up as we were going forward, and was shot in the head. We were still firing and about the same time there were casualties to my right. Mike Cox came forward to assist the wounded, while SSG Elliott and I were covering. Bullets were kicking dirt up all around us. At that time we were approximately 4 to 5 ft. from the first row of spider holes. We were running out of ammo, and my antenna had been shot off, but I was still able to use it. SSG Elliott had me call in for M79s, and other ammo. At that time we were not resupplied (I later heard someone had brought ammo to us on their own.) SSG Elliott then told us to move back because I had the radio, and we needed to evacuate the wounded. So while still supplying fire, we began to move back. About this time, I believe Mike Langer had come forward to help Mike Cox with Burnett and was hit. We started pulling back about 20 ft. towards the road while still firing. We then removed the wounded and made another sweep. The NVA were retreating and we started after them but were told to stop. I began to hear artillery in the distance in the direction that the NVA were retreating. Medevac came in and we headed back towards the Firebase. When we were walking into the firebase, people were cheering. We were told we would receive medals. I remember checking my radio then, and realizing it had three bullet holes in it. I was blessed that they hadn't penetrated. I still don't know how any of us made it out alive.”

3d Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, Operations Journal of 5 March 1968:
051229 - TOC Rear; A-1/506 6 WHA, 1 critical, 1 Dust Off shot down at Song Be airstrip.
051235 - Song Be airstrip closed to everything but choppers, 3 ships down, 2 gun ships and 1 Dust Off.
051242 - Song Be airstrip opens again to all traffic. A-1/506 3 more WHA one is a platoon leader.
051250 - A-1/506 is still in heavy contact, Song Be, 8 WHA, 6 Dust Off, 2 gun ships shot down, 1 Dust Off shot down.
051310 -  estimated VC reinforced company across road in village, A & B sweeping arty firing into village, Quad 50’s reinforcing, 17 WHA at this time. 
051330 - VC in Khaki uniforms, VC employing 12.77 mm AA, contact continues.
05143 - 1/506 reports 2 KHA 5 WHA.
051445 - 1/506 reports 9 KHA.
051600 - Contact at Song Be continues, 4 KHA, 23 WHA, VC (BC) 56 KHA, enemy force estimated to be 1 VC battalion with AK-47, M-79, 12.77 AA, air strike called in and light fire team working over the area. 
051735 - B-1/506 3 WHA, A-1/506 15 WHA & 3 KHA, 2 WHA are now 5 KHA,  C-1/506 1 KHA & 9 WHA, sweeping toward Song Be compound, many detainees, possible paymaster and lots of money in black pajamas.
051925 - 1/506 report 56 VC KIA (BC) 20 more possible, 2 POW evacuated to Bien Hoa, one wounded, 12 detainees in the hands of ARVN. Weapons, 1  RPG, 6 AK47, 20 AK magazines, 12 RPG rounds, 6 60mm, 1 doctor kit complete  and 1 Chi Com claymore.
052145 - final casualty count US personnel 7 KHA, 32 WHA and 24 medevaced. Of the 7 KHA, 4 were from C-3/187, C-3/187 also had 7 WHA.

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